Tuesday 4 September 2007

what do you think?

Last night I received a joke via email from a good friend about churches so I posted it. I got cold feet this morning because I figured it might have offended some people (I hasten to add that it was clean), so I deleted it but not before another good friend spotted it, read it, went away to do something else (sleep hopefully) and when they came back it had gone.

So they asked me what had happened and I explained to them what I've just told you.

It set me thinking though - what is acceptable to post on a church blog and what is not? Very few people post anything so I really have very little to go on and I don't know of any other church doing this to compare with. The only slightly similar example I can think of is on the news section of the Scottish Baptist College - there's a great picture of our very own Simon in full flow by the way.

The posts there are also almost all from one person, who happens to be a lecturer, and seem to be mostly information and reports about events etc. Would this be a better way to use the blog? I update the church website anyway - it's much easier to update a blog with the latest information etc. than the website.

I'd love to know what anyone else thinks. Conversation on the blog in the past has been good so it'd be great if you would post again or as I'm happy to post let me know what you would like included or what would be helpful for you or other visitors (yes we do get quite a few).

Alternatively tell me why you don't post. If you don't want to post this please email me or have a chat sometime - I'd love to know.

One thing I do know - there's nothing worse than a dead blog...


Michelle said...

Hi liz, you are amazing because you keep this blog going and I want you to know that I love reading up on what you have written. I love reading this blog (usually a couple of weeks after the last entry has been posted) I unfortunatly don't have the time to sit and think and post onto the blog but I can assure you that there is very little you could post onto this blog that would offend me and if it did I'd probably chat with you personally. So please, continue, I love the blog I'm just sorry I don't find the time to contribute to it but I always find the time to read it. With love and thanks your sister Michelle xxxxxxxx

Lorna said...

I think the blog is a good idea, but am disappointed that more people have not got involved in the conversation. I guess time is a big factor. My own initial reaction was that I didn't want to be involved in anything that meant spending more time on the computer, but I realised that the blog could be a useful forum for discussion. Keep up the good work Liz!

Liz said...

Bless you guys - I appreciate the encouragement and the positive comments I've had from emails too. I do understand people's reasons for not contributing online and am cool with that - strangely enough it does seem to generate comment offline which is infinitely better anyway! I know that is something Simon says he has experienced too...

Hazel said...

I meant to put a comment on here before now, but you know, Liz, that I think you are doing a grand job with the blog and there's no way that you've offended me (or anyone else I would think). It is a pity that there are few people who post or comment, but, as you say, talk is generated in other ways, which is good. This is just one vehicle for expression, among others. It's good to talk, whether face to face, on the phone or electronically. Thanks, Liz, for all that you're doing.