Tuesday 11 September 2007

Business Meeting 9th Sept.

This is Sylvia Holt writing using Mike Windsor's account (with his permission of course) because my account has not yet been verified.
Re. the meeting of the above date.
It was of great concern to me to hear the dire forecast for the year 20o7/2008 if the fellowship does not increase their giving.
It is very upsetting to a lot of us on fixed incomes that we are unable to increase our giving and this constant pleading from the Leaders does not help. The majority of the members, are I am sure, very conscientious and give as much as they can afford. Young and old do have a struggle to manage these days. It does not take an accountant to realise that the cost of the essentials in life are spiralling and we are helpless to economise any more than we have done already. For the older members our heating, food and taxes leave very little to spare. However most of us give as much as we can already. The young families have high mortages and train fares etc. whilst the younger members, sadly nowadays, have debts when their university course ends because of the iniquitous charges imposed by the government for their courses.

These are facts that have to be recognised. Perhaps it may be that the leaders will have to recognise the fact that reductions have got to be made in the church expenditure. it is an unpalatable truth that with an income of £1 spending £1 and 1p leads to misery but spending 99p leads to happiness.

It was a great pity that I was unable to hear much of what Jonathan was saying. May I suggest that perhaps Jonathan speaks more slowly next time he is delivering information.

I do have one positive suggestion to make. Years ago there used to be an additional voluntary collection during communion. It may not bring in very much income but every little helps!

Incidentally I take issue with the statement that the older generation have been the richest generation in history. I can categorically say while that may be true for some, I am sure the majority of us had a struggle. The difference between then and now is that we were taught not to get into debt. We saved up for whatever we wanted or needed and we were encouraged to save even if it was only a few coppers whenever possible. Sadly plastics have encouraged people to spend beyond their means. I sincerely hope that this is not the attitude our leaders have in managing our church budget.


1 comment:

Lorna said...

I do think it is of utmost importance that individuals who are already giving as much as they possibly can are not made to feel guilty. They are examples for the rest us to follow. Speaking as one with two offspring to support through university, I know it's not going to be easy, but I suspect that some of us could manage a little bit more...