Friday 16 March 2007

A challenge for chocolate eaters

Following on Jonathan's Stop the Traffik video, I've been looking again at their website.

It really concerns me that as a nation we consume a large amount of chocolate and yet there is so little fairtrade choccie on sale. I always try to buy fairtrade, but have found that there are several high street shops that give little or no opportunity to do so (not that I should eat much of it because of my high cholesterol, but I am rather fond of good quality dark chocolate).

For more info about chocolate visit

1 comment:

Mike said...

I agree with your comment. After seeing the material at Spring Harvest, I was really shocked at the death and destruction meted out to so many innocent lives to satisfy our craving for something so trivial. I felt a little virtuous because I am not afflicted by the craving that seems to grip so many. It did not occur to me that I might be affected until I went shopping yesterday and I was going to stock up on chocolate bars from my favourite discount store. I then realised that I could not guarantee that the product did not result in the death of children, so I decided to give up chocolate until I could find some that I both liked and could afford that was non-destructive to children. I hope I can live up to my pledge!