Sunday, 27 January 2008

a fresh look to Sunday evenings

Starting next week, Sunday 3 February, the evening services will be at 4.45pm and 7.00pm.

Details can be found in the weekly bulletin, on the website and over at Simon's blog...

Thursday, 24 January 2008


As promised the 'covenant and membership document' and the 'declaration form' are now on the website.

Just follow the links: downloads>church documents from the home page.

Monday, 21 January 2008

Church Family Meeting

While it's fresh in my mind, I thought I'd share a bit of what happened at the church meeting for those who couldn't make it on Sunday. Simon's already posted his thoughts here

It was really well attended with around 120 people staying to lunch and the meeting. Thanks to Gill, Caroline and the team for a fab lunch.

It was an AGM so Nick gave a membership report and there are now five new members which is great. In Bob's absence, Dave gave a summary of the annual finance report which was accepted. You can email Bob if you'd like a copy. There is also a new finance team in place headed by Iozeph who will be taking over from Bob - a huge thank you to him for all his amazing hard work.

The covenant was agreed by a majority and when I get the chance I'll post it here and on the website. If you can't wait then I know there are a few copies in the church office. This covenant will be signed annually at Pentecost but this year it will be at Easter. Please chat to any of the ministry team or leaders if you want to know more. Throughout February and March the process will be explained to those not at the meeting and it was made clear that no-one will be taken off the membership list if they are already members.

Also nine new leaders were co-opted all with specific areas of responsibilities.

Oh and while we're without a church administrator, I'll be taking on some of that role so please contact me if you need to and I'll do my best to point you in the right direction. It is hoped there will be an admin team along the same lines as the finance team so please if you're interested let me or one of the leaders know. Can't tell you how welcome you'd be made to feel...

And if that wasn't enough from February there'll be a new evening programme - watch this space for details.

Thanks very much to Glenis and her team for looking after the children who had a great time.

Minutes will be available in the church office in due course.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Pray for Bromley

The first meeting of the New Year will be on Friday Jan 18th at Bromley Baptist. This is the start date of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The meeting is organised primarily for Central Bromley churches - but obviously open to anyone to attend.

Church Family Meeting

Just a reminder that there is to be a Church Family Meeting on Sunday 20 January after the morning service and following lunch.

Please sign up this Sunday on sheets in the Welcome Area if you are coming and need feeding...

Quiz and Pudding Night

Quiz and Pudding Night

Saturday 19th January in Bromley Baptist Church Hall

7.30 pm

Come as a team or make up one when you arrive
Donations in aid of getting Ben R-S to New Zealand
for his YWAM Discipleship Training School!
RSVP to Nick

Sunday, 6 January 2008

Dick van Zweden

We were saddened to learn recently of the death of Dick van Zweden, aged 54.

Dick and Carla, from Holland, worshipped with us in the late 70s/early 80s while serving with Operation Mobilisation and were part of the Over 21s group. Dick was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy over 20 years ago and has gradually deteriorated. As well as Carla, he leaves four children, all in their teens and twenties.

We have been in touch with Carla to express our sympathy and also on behalf of Bromley Baptist Church. Please remember Carla and the family in your prayers.

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

New year, new responsibilities

It is with a mixture of emotions that Robin and I face the new year as we take over responsibility for welcome care – we feel excited but we still have a lot to learn. Alan and Anne have done an excellent job for many years and are a hard act to follow.

We know that we are not doing it alone. It goes without saying that we do it with God’s help, but also with the support of the existing welcome care team.

However, welcoming isn’t restricted to the welcome care team. We would like everyone to see that they have a role to play in welcoming newcomers. It’s been said before that the hardest steps for a newcomer to make are from the forecourt gates to the church doors – that’s why we stand on the forecourt and greet visitors and have deacons and stewards on duty at the doors. But it doesn’t stop there. The welcome needs to continue inside and everyone can play a role here.

If you see someone sitting on their own, why not go and sit with them? If you don’t know the person sitting next to you, introduce yourself, find out about them, invite them to go through to the welcome area for coffee after the morning service, encourage them to fill in their details on the purple sheet, etc.

Many of us are members of Bromley Baptist because someone extended a welcome to us and visitors often say that they have been made to feel very welcome. Your saying hello to the stranger next to you could be the one thing that encourages them to come back. Conversely, some people have not returned because no one has spoken to them once they’ve entered the church building.

We hope that we can count on all of your support and would be pleased to hear if you have any ideas about how we can improve the way we do things.