Friday, 16 March 2007

A challenge for chocolate eaters

Following on Jonathan's Stop the Traffik video, I've been looking again at their website.

It really concerns me that as a nation we consume a large amount of chocolate and yet there is so little fairtrade choccie on sale. I always try to buy fairtrade, but have found that there are several high street shops that give little or no opportunity to do so (not that I should eat much of it because of my high cholesterol, but I am rather fond of good quality dark chocolate).

For more info about chocolate visit

Friday, 9 March 2007

window display

I took some flyers about the event on Freedom Day to Wesley Owen today becauses Dave had agreed to put them in customers' bags which is great. They've got a good display there with lots of resources which will go into the window for two weeks during the run up. As well as the campaign for Stop the Traffik, there's info about the film, Amazing Grace which comes out on March 23. Dave gave me a freebie DVD with the trailer, some clips and other bits and pieces on it (I'm not sure if that's just because I'm a good customer?!)

Anyway part of the trailer has the Clapham Sect meeting together and the line spoken to Wilberforce was...

"We understand you're having difficulty choosing whether to do the work of God or the work of a political activist. We humbly suggest you can do both."

That challenged me as did Rev David Isherwood who is minister at the church where this group were based who said that Jesus was a political activist and as Christians we need to be involved and know how to use the politics of the country in which we live...

Please don't be shy

I think it's a great idea to have this blog, but it will only be as good as the contributions made.

It would be great to see others from our team joining in.

Nevermind if you haven't blogged before (I had been a reader of other people's for quite some time but have recently strayed into doing my own and it's great fun) - just go for it!! And Liz has already done the work of setting it up.

Let's make use of this facility.

I look forward to seeing you here.

Thursday, 1 March 2007


Hello everyone and welcome to the Bromley Baptist Blog - has a certain ring to it. Please do post on the site once you are a member or leave a comment if you find us.